Supporting your Partner who has been Emotionally Triggered

Categories: Understanding
Author: Benton
If you find yourself in a situation where your partner has been emotionally triggered… Actually let me change that to WHEN you are in a…

If you find yourself in a situation where your partner has been emotionally triggered… Actually let me change that to WHEN you are in a situation where your partner has been emotionally triggered, it’s helpful to work on staying grounded and not taking your partners emotional reaction personally.

I know that Heather has had to learn to do that with me. I do get triggered from time to time (Heather may say it’s a tad more often than that). While it is my responsibility to own and deal with my triggers, there are times when I seem to have no control and I react quite badly to being triggered. This generally happens when I am not in a good space and having a partner who judges or retaliates in that moment is not helpful, although we are all human and bound to have our moments.

These are some of the things which I have found my partner can do to help me when I am triggered:

– Let your partner know that you are there for them if they feel like talking about it calmly.
– Avoid telling them that they are over-reacting.
– Reassure your partner that you love them and that they are safe with you.
– Allow them the space to go through their reaction, keeping yourself safe and out of the way in the process.

Your ability to stay centered and supportive while your partner is triggered can go a long way towards helping them come out the other side in a better space and grateful for you.

Are you ready to take the first step towards healing your relationship?